Welcome to Loya Dental - Your Pediatric Dental Home!

A Message from Dr. Loya-Costabile:

Pediatric Dentists are the Pediatricians of Dentistry. If you are presently seeing a pediatric dentist, you already know the benefits of having your child see a specialist in the same way that we rely on pediatricians for our children’s medical needs. For those that are not familiar with a pediatric dentist – we are much more than dentists who’ve chosen to see children. We have significant extra education and training beyond the credentials of the typical family dentist. The very young, pre-teens and teenagers all need different approaches in dealing with their behavior and helping them avoid future (and progressively more expensive!) dental problems. Our specialty emphasizes child psychology, growth and development, as well as pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic behavior management.

It may surprise you to know that current guidelines suggest that parents find a dental home for their child within six months of the eruption of a child’s first teeth. I often hear the question “Why are primary/baby teeth so important – they’re going to fall out anyway?” Primary teeth are really very important – they impact proper chewing and eating, they provide space for permanent teeth and guide them into their correct positions and they permit normal development of the jaw bones and muscles. Neglected cavities frequently do lead to problems with the child’s permanent teeth. Other potential problems include improper speech development and appearance. Keep in mind, while the front four teeth can last until 6-7 years of age, the back teeth (cuspids and molars) aren’t replaced until ages 10-13!

Many dentists and even some pediatric dentists find it more efficient to treat their minor patients without the parents being present in the exam room. In my office, the parents are always included – I believe it is an integral part of my service to educate parents so that they can reinforce the good oral hygiene habits that are being taught to their children.

I would welcome the opportunity to assess your child’s oral health and invite you to make us your child's dental home. For those of you with children entering kindergarten, second or sixth grade, remember that the State of Illinois will require you to have a dental form completed. Please contact our office for an appointment.

Dr. Flor Loya-Costabile

Dr. Flor Loya-Costabile Pediatric Dentistry
134 W. Vallette Street, Elmhurst, Illinois 60126 - ph. (630) 501-0046
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